Highline initiations: fall 2023


One day of highline with some BeSlack highline members who are stoked to learn you their tips and tricks. The focus is on making progress in highline, not on the rigging.


One day from 11h - 17h on one of these 3 days 

  • Saturday 14/10 in Maizeret
  • Saturday 18/11 in Maizeret
  • Saturday 16/12 in Maizeret

What skills are required?

To benefit from the day, you have to be able to walk around 20m on a slackline. In addition, you must also be able to stand up from the sitting position on a slackline. You will learn all the other tips and tricks on this day.

What equipment is required?

A climbing harness.


€50 for BeSlack members (--> Become a member)
€60 for non-members


BeSlack members are insured by KBF/CAB during all their highline activities.
For non-members we arrange a day insurance with KBF/CAB, insurance is included in the price.


--> Registration with this link

Your registration is only valid after payment of the correct amount on BeSlack vzw BE89 0689 4048 8785 
One week before the initiation you will get a mail with all the practial information from the instructor.


Publié le ven, 01/09/2023 - 20:28 par Jef